A problem in our country
One of the problems many people talk about is our country’s shrinking or squeezed middle class at the hands of the 1%. Opportunities for personal growth may be limited for the working middle, while big companies derive record profits to enrich shareholders and executives. As an entrepreneur, I am naturally a capitalist and believe investors should earn an appropriate return, and owners and leaders should be fairly rewarded. However, I do not think the return and reward should come at the expense of limiting employee growth and opportunity.

Not a problem at Reach
When we started Reach, we set out to change this damaging trend in our economy. We built the company completely around the service technician, giving them the chance to determine their compensation. They decide their pay through their productivity. If they want to make more money, they increase their productivity. Even better, the company is completely focused on helping them take care of their clients, create strong relationships, serve more clients, and build their success and compensation. Their pay growth and opportunity are not determined by a manager, but by their drive, ambition, effort, and contribution. Isn’t this one of the best things a company can offer its employees, an opportunity to control their financial destiny?
We were told when we started our company that our model would not work. We were told that technicians must be hourly employees. We were told there was not the motivation to produce at higher and higher levels, while giving good service. We did not listen to what would not work. We were not interested in doing things based on a traditional and outdated model. Instead, we focused on a new model of responsibility and reward. Boy, are we proving them wrong! Our technicians have consistently built successful territories and are motivated to deliver exceptional service because these clients help them grow. Average production is more than 4 labor hours a day, and they earn on average 1.6 times what they made as hourly employees.
Now is your opportunity to do something about it
People complain about shrinking wages and limited opportunity for the middle class. But now technicians in the dental industry can do something about it. Now they have the chance to control their success and their pay. If you are motivated to deliver exceptional service and achieve more, step up and grab the Reach opportunity.
To learn more about Reach, visit reachforservice.com/technicians