Even when things look bleak, there is still a lot to celebrate.
Greg Biersack
At the end of April, Reach held its quarterly celebration of technician and company accomplishments. Reach CEO, Greg Biersack, shared, "We ALWAYS have things to celebrate from the previous quarter. Sure we got hit with the impact of COVID but it gave us an opportunity to help our clients in new and meaningful ways, making sure we are serving as the best possible partner."

Highlights of the Rally celebration included:
1. A 113% increase in revenue for Q1 2020 compared to 2019
2. Darold Slack reaching a new in high service production at 4.3 labor hours per day in February
3. Establishing service dealerships with Midmark, Handler and ProEdge
4. Establishing a strategic service partnership with TDSC
5. Launching dental assisting training programs with Carrington College and Clackamas Community College
6. Helping clients with equipment shutdown and reboot checklists and service
To learn more about Reach and request service go to reachforservice.com/dentaloffices
To explore becoming a Reach technician go to reachforservice.com/technicians