Interviewing dentists and dental assistants about the technical service they wish to receive played a critical part of shaping the direction of Reach. We knew we wanted to revolutionize an industry that was stuck in 1970s thinking and processes. We felt that the best ideas in how to accomplish this would come from individuals that have been most affected by an outdated model.

Through numerous conversations with dental offices, we learned what they wanted was quite simple, and if fulfilled could achieve the type of change that would dramatically affect how everyone views technical service. Their expressed desires revolved around WHO and HOW.
First, the WHO. Dental offices want "Their Guy" - a great technician whom they know and trust. The technician who regularly and consistently serves their office. They want a person who knows their office's equipment inside and out, who can quickly and efficiently diagnose and solve problems. This desire contradicts with the common experience of getting a variety of different technicians who struggle to communicate with each other and who rarely know their clients well. It shaped our decision to create focused territories where technicians are dedicated to their clients and take deep ownership in the function and maintenance of their equipment. We give our clients consistency and “Their Guy”.
Second, the HOW. Dental offices want to make requesting service as easy as tapping a few buttons on a cell phone. They want it to be very “Uber-ish”. They don’t want to call a dispatcher. The don’t want to select “1” for this and “2” for that. And they certainly do not want to be put on hold. This second desire stimulated our development of Reach Connect, our client web app. This technology allows the service requestor the ability to enter the item, the problem, and pick the urgency. The request goes directly to “Their Guy”. We made the HOW incredibly easy and stress free – just like hailing a ride.
For Reach, building a revolutionary company all started with asking our clients what they would really love and then finding a way to give it to them.
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