Reach provides innovative service to the dental industry and serves as a trusted resource for our manufacturer partners. So why should all equipment manufacturers care about Reach’s vision and direction? Here are three important reasons:

Preventive Maintenance
Reach leads in providing preventive maintenance, always exploring ways to reduce emergencies, remove nuisances and extend equipment life. More than 50% of our clients use Reach Recare (semi-annual preventive maintenance), seeing the same value in it as the regular hygiene and exams they provide to their patients. Recare works so well because our technicians are dedicated to their specific clients and see the equipment as their equipment. This sense of ownership makes all the difference. For manufacturers, preventive maintenance is critical in making equipment run better, help prevent problems, and generate more positive feelings about the brand.
Unbiased Recommendations
Reach does not sell equipment. We recommend equipment to our clients based on product quality, service support, and value. We always do what is in the client’s best interest without bias. Our approach ensures a level playing field for all manufacturers. We are not competing with manufacturers but rather serving as a trusted resource -- a partner who can be counted on to provide support and perspective.
Reach is changing the service industry. Unwilling to accept the old, traditional, and inefficient service model that delivers compromised service at high rates, we always look for ways to deliver a better service experience for a lower cost. Our direction has technicians as employees who control their time and income and are responsible for managing client relationships. Our approach matches the desires of dentists who want service to be disconnected from supplies as they place a high value on trust and freedom. For manufacturers, this innovative direction means dedicated technicians serve as the source of equipment influence with clients and can act as a partner in product development. Finally, the Reach model best supports manufacturer use of IoT technology as status information can be sent directly to the specific technician who knows the equipment and can respond quickly.
Through preventive maintenance, unbiased recommendations, and innovative service, Reach elevates technician success, reduces stress for clients, and serves as a strong partner for each manufacturer who looks to the future.
To explore a successful partnership, please contact Greg Biersack at