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Reach’s Successful Start-up Year Confirms Innovative Business Model

Greg Biersack

Reach Dental Equipment Service completed its first year in operation, successfully proving our innovative model of combining technician success and client ease.

Our Two Challenges

To test if Reach could succeed, we had to meet two challenges in the start-up year. First, could a technician, with a strong sense of ownership and close connections to their clients, take a dedicated territory and thrive? Secondly, would clients engage with a new service model that includes a dedicated technician, proactive maintenance, an easy service request process and more affordable rates?

Meeting the Challenges

To the first challenge, the results are a resounding “Yes”. The founding technician in Portland, OR (our start-up market) built a successful territory, starting with no clients and growing it to include service relationships with more than 80 clients. He accomplished this while helping to establish the company’s systems and processes. In this short time, his daily production grew to more than 3 billed hours of labor per day, a key metric of success. This level of production will result in annual earnings for him in excess of $80,000. In Year Two, he expects his client base to swell to 120 clients. Because of this demonstrated success, Reach is engaged in conversations with interested technicians throughout the country, recently adding Austin to its service area with two new technicians.

As far as the client appeal challenge, Reach achieved 25% market share in our specific target area, exceeding the goal of 20%. Additionally, client feedback as measured via survey scored 4.8 of 5.0 in five key value measurements (dedicated technician, preventive care, ease of requests, affordability, handpiece repair convenience). Finally, Reach’s signature preventive maintenance program, Reach Recare, was selected by more than 40% of clients within its first six months of offering. All these results prove the Reach business model is highly attractive to dental offices.

Moving Forward

With a solid, proven model, Year Two for Reach continues to center on the technician: helping our current technicians succeed and ensuring every great technician who wants more out of their career learns about Reach. We expect this growing interest will result in opening service in at least five new markets in 2019.

To learn more about Reach, go to

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