Reach was created for technicians who love providing great repair and maintenance service: those with ambition and drive; those who take ownership for their success; and those who want more out of their career.

More Respect
We built Reach because we respect the skills, talents and abilities of great technicians. They are at the center of our company. We don’t sell supplies or equipment, so our focus is completely on the important work of our technicians.
More Recognition
We celebrate the service, hard work, accomplishments and milestones reached by our technicians. They create our company’s success and we celebrate theirs.
More Reward
Our technicians are directly rewarded for the work they do. The more clients they serve, the more jobs they do, the more handpieces they repair, the more they are rewarded. Accomplishment and reward are directly linked.
More Success
The purpose of Reach is to help technicians succeed. Apart from financial reward, Reach offers technicians the satisfaction of working closely with clients in their territory. Technicians enjoy the flexibility to achieve work-life harmony plus the freedom to accomplish their personal financial goals.
Reach is excited to offer a career opportunity to driven, ambitious, and forward-thinking technicians, who take ownership and simply want more. To learn more visit